While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.

Angela Schwindt

Hello and welcome to my website, my name is Kathryn Stinton and I live in Worcester, UK.   I began my career as a teacher almost 30 years ago (in a mainstream school) then moved to work in a specialist early years setting.  I was an Area SENCO in Herefordshire then Birmingham before returning to teach part time in Nursery/Reception while setting up my Early Years consultancy business.

Throughout my career I've met children, parents and professionals who have challenged my thinking, developed my knowledge and strengthened a belief that good practice for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities is good practice for all.

I'm fascinated by children, how they view the world and what we can change and adapt to meet their individual needs. I enjoy meeting those working in the Early Years and offer a range of courses to help build confidence and skills, you can find more information here.  

I have a DBS Enhanced Certificate and am an ELKLAN Speech and Language Tutor, I've been involved in Phase 1, 2 and 3 of The Early Years Professional Development Programme.  I volunteer for one morning a week at a local pre-school and a morning a week at Vale Wildlife Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre

Please contact me for further information, I'd be delighted to hear from you.


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  • Worcester, England, United Kingdom
